Battleground 2 (1993)

Comics discussion zine that started the 90s zine revivial in UK comics, inspired by 80s zines such as Fantasy Advertiser. It attempted (and broadly succeeded) in bridging the mainstream, art and underground comics scenes.

Title: Battleground 2
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Format: A4
Year: 1993
Country: UK
Archive reference ID: 100458

All zines with this title

All zines published by Andy Brewer

(See their page for the zines they contributed to.)

Battleground 1
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1992  Country: UK
🔗 100544
Battleground 2
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1993  Country: UK
🔗 100458
Battleground 3
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1993  Country: UK
🔗 100472
Battleground 4
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1994  Country: UK
🔗 100754
Battleground 5
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1994  Country: UK
🔗 100471
Battleground 6
Published by: Andy Brewer
Contributor(s): Andy Brewer  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1994  Country: UK
🔗 100676