Spitoon Funnies (1995)

Title: Spitoon Funnies
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Format: Mini
Year: 1995
Country: UK
Archive reference ID: 101231

All zines with this title

All zines published by Roger Langridge

(See their page for the zines they contributed to.)

The Fabulous World of Things
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 1992  Country: UK
🔗 101430
Frankenstein meets Shirley Temple
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 101156
Fred the Clown
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 101362
Hey Kids! It's... Dr Sputnik
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 1995  Country: UK
🔗 101309
Knuckles the Malevolent Nun
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 2004  Country: UK
🔗 101340
Spitoon Funnies
Published by: Roger Langridge
Contributor(s): Roger Langridge  
Type: Comic  Format: Mini  Year: 1995  Country: UK
🔗 101231