The Comic Reviewer 1 (1996)

Title: The Comic Reviewer 1
Published by: Simon Baker
Contributor(s): Simon Baker   Nevs Coleman   Rich Johnston   Tue Sorensen   Howard Stangroom   Christine Mower  
Format: A5
Year: 1996
Country: UK
Archive reference ID: 101623

All zines with this title

All zines published by Simon Baker

(See their page for the zines they contributed to.)

The Comic Reviewer 1
Published by: Simon Baker
Contributor(s): Simon Baker   Nevs Coleman   Rich Johnston   Tue Sorensen   Howard Stangroom   Christine Mower  
Type: Zine  Format: A5  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 101623
The Comics Reviewer 2
Published by: Simon Baker
Contributor(s): Simon Baker  
Type: Review Zine  Format: A5  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 100376
The Comics Reviewer 3
Published by: Simon Baker
Contributor(s): Simon Baker   Martyn Graves   Greg Hecht   Bevis Man   Andrew McGuire   David Stoddart   Michael Vance   Alan Wood   Richard Becker   Gary Parkin   David Wiggins   Christine Mower  
Type: Review Zine  Format: A5  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 101862
The Comics Reviewer 4
Published by: Simon Baker
Contributor(s): Simon Baker   Bevis Man   Andrew McGuire   Michael Vance   Teri S Wood   Ralph Horsley   Rik Hoskin   David Wiggins   Tom Orzechowski  
Type: Review Zine  Format: A5  Year: 1997  Country: UK
🔗 101734