Fast Fiction 23 (1987)

Archived by Ed Pinsent

Title: Fast Fiction 23
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): John Watson   Ed Pinsent   Tom Tiffin   Graham Johnstone   Paul Grist   Placid   John Watson   Bob Lynch   Colin Upton   Rodney Rigby   Denny Derbyshire   Marina Swann  
Format: A5
Year: 1987
Country: UK
Archive reference ID: 101639

All zines with this title

All zines published by Ed Pinsent

(See their page for the zines they contributed to.)

Fast Fiction 12
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent   Glenn Dakin   Russell Christian   Tim Budden   Phil Elliott   Ed Pinsent   John Bagnall   Frank Martin   Hildegard Schneider   Peter Woodin  
Type: Anthology Comic  Format: A5  Year: 1984  Country: UK
🔗 100314
Fast Fiction 23
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): John Watson   Ed Pinsent   Tom Tiffin   Graham Johnstone   Paul Grist   Placid   John Watson   Bob Lynch   Colin Upton   Rodney Rigby   Denny Derbyshire   Marina Swann  
Type: Anthology Comic  Format: A5  Year: 1987  Country: UK
🔗 101639
Fast Fiction 27
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent   Paul George   Carol Swain   Tom Tiffin   Merv Grist   Denny Derbyshire   John Miller   Chris Reynolds  
Type: Anthology Comic  Format: A5  Year: 1989  Country: UK
🔗 100289
Fast Fiction 28
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent   Carol Swain   Russell Christian   Lazarus Dobelsky   Russell Christian   Wild Beast   Tim Budden   John Miller   Denny Derbyshire  
Type: Anthology Comic  Format: A4  Year: 1989  Country: UK
🔗 100787
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent  
Type: Comic  Format: A5  Year: 1991  Country: UK
🔗 100307
It's Not Satin
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent  
Type: Comic  Format: A5  Year: 1990  Country: UK
🔗 100444
Silver Age Superman
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent   Mark Robinson  
Type: Comic  Format: A4  Year: 1993  Country: UK
🔗 100891
The Sound Projector 1
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent   Savage Pencil   Marc Baines   Harley Richardson   John Bagnall   Bosco Hazard   Chris Butler  
Type: Zine  Format: A4  Year: 1996  Country: UK
🔗 100762
Vladimir the Medico
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent  
Type: Comic  Format: A4  Year: 1995  Country: UK
🔗 100618
Voice of the WIlberforce
Published by: Ed Pinsent
Contributor(s): Ed Pinsent  
Type: Comic  Format: A4  Year: 2003  Country: UK
🔗 100702