Pandemonium 18 (1989)

Title: Pandemonium 18
Published by: Matthew de Monti
Contributor(s): Matthew de Monti   John Royle   John Erasmus   Garen Ewing   Robert Seaman   Alan Steel   Eric Yoon   Pandrogas   Elaine Brookes   AJ Kerr   Geoff Lamprey   Chris Challis   Robert Seaman   Francis Opuminji  
Format: A5
Year: 1989
Country: UK
Archive reference ID: 101963

All zines with this title

All zines published by Matthew de Monti

(See their page for the zines they contributed to.)

Pandemonium 18
Published by: Matthew de Monti
Contributor(s): Matthew de Monti   John Royle   John Erasmus   Garen Ewing   Robert Seaman   Alan Steel   Eric Yoon   Pandrogas   Elaine Brookes   AJ Kerr   Geoff Lamprey   Chris Challis   Robert Seaman   Francis Opuminji  
Type: Zine  Format: A5  Year: 1989  Country: UK
🔗 101963