Back to the A5 zines, this batch of ~100 includes some that I originally rejected as being possibly not-zines or too recent, but have since relented and decided to include in the first pass. Better to be maximalist at this stage, I feel. If they don’t fit the shape of the archive they can always be removed.

I definitely wasn’t involved in “the scene” by any stretch in the 2010s but I was clearly still buying the odd one, and that activity is directly informed by what was happening at the height of my involvement. So yeah, let’s include these echoes, the background radiation of my zine life.

I’ve also included a bunch of items Top Shelf published from that era before they became a major player on the indie publishing scene. The line is incredibly hard to draw (see also Slab-o-Concrete) so I’m not going to attempt it at this stage. If it’s in a box of zines, it’s going in.

Added the following titles: